University Directory
Search all UA Little Rock employees and departments or request an update to a directory entry.
Salina Ables
Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of University Advancement
Ali Abushaiba, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology - Electronics & Computer Engineering Technology
Nitin Agarwal, Ph.D.
Maulden-Entergy Chair & Distinguished Professor; Director, COSMOS Research Center
Hussain M. Al-Rizzo, Ph.D.
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology - Electrical and Computer Engineering
LAW 141
Ann B. Bain, Ed.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Karen Baker
Associate Director - Employee Relations and Training and Development/ADA Coordinator/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Luke Barbara
Student Development Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Linda S. Barker
TRIO Director
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
William K. Barker, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Interim Graduate Coordinator
Meagan Beaty
Interpreter Education Program Coordinator, Assistant Professor
Melvin Beavers, Ed.D.
Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Professor
Tusty ten Bensel, Ph.D.
Associate Dean and Professor of Criminal Justice
Brian C. Berry, Ph.D.
Vice Provost of Research and Dean of the Graduate School
Alexandru S. Biris, Ph.D.
Professor, Chief Scientist, and Director
Paul D. Blanchard Jr
Prevention/Intervention Education & Training Coordinator
MidSOUTH Training Academy, 2102 Fowler Ave, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Hollis G. Bray, D.Eng.
Department Chair
Construction Management and Civil and Construction Engineering
FA 262
Robert Bryant Jr.
Education Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Seth R. Bryant
Project Director
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Justin M. Bunting, D.M.A.
Assistant Professor of Percussion, Music
Jessie Wallace Burchfield
Associate Dean for Information & Technology Services; Director of the Law Library; Associate Professor of Law
Sharina Bursey
Student Development Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Brian Butler
Graduate Student Support Specialist
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Frank Cabrera
Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy & Interdisciplinary Studies
Michael R. Cavanaugh, Ph.D.
Director, School of Criminal Justice and Criminology
Tania M. Chavez
Arkansas Business Navigator Specialist
Annie B. Childers, Ph.D.
Interim Associate Dean
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Shannon Collier-Tenison, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor and Associate Professor
Jeffrey B. Connelly, Ph.D.
Interim Dean
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
EIT 638
SSC 415I
Deborah A. Cook
Assistant Director, Advanced Placement Professional Development Center
Jessica Y. Cornelious
Collections and Financial Management Assistant
Paul A. Crutcher, Ph.D.
Director of English Education, Assistant Professor
Thaddeus J. Cunningham
Assistant Registrar for Academic Records
Shweta Dabetwar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology - Mechanical Engineering
Laura E. Danforth, Ph.D.
Interim Co-Director and Associate Professor
Ginger Daril
Director of Development, University Initiatives/Planned Giving
Jerry A. Darsey, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator and Professor
Andrea Davis
HR Specialist - Employee Relations/Training and Development
Christopher Davis
Project/Program Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Michael DeAngelis, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator and Associate Professor
Cody Decker, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Chief Data Officer
Jerrica Dotson
Student Development Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Jami Eubanks
Assistant Director of STEM Outreach and Career Services
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Javon D. Fells
Institutional Assistant
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Kevin W. Fitzgerald
Institutional Assistant
Juliana B. Flinn, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Anthropology
Erin Flowers, Ed.D.
Director of Student Services
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Shakela Fortson
Project/Program Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
SH 603
Mark F. Funk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair, Economics and Finance
Jerry Ganz
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Anindya Ghosh, Ph.D.
Associate Dean
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Sujan K. Ghosh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology - Mechanical Engineering Technology
RBUS 468
Alexandria Gillins
Trio Project/Program
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Dent Gitchel Jr., Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator of Rehabilitation Counseling
Michelle D. Goza
Project Program Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Gwen Green
Marketing and Communications Manager
Carla M. Griffin
Student Development Specialist
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Shannon Gwinn
Director of Career Development, Placement, and Student Services
Edward Hale, Ph.D.
Instructor for Anthropology, Religion, and Sociology
NURS 320
Tony A. Hall, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator and Associate Professor
Chris Hamilton
Associate Vice Chancellor of Advancement Services
Nancy J. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Educational Foundations
Charles A. Hancock
Research Associate
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology - Mechanical Engineering Technology
Derek Hancock
Student Development Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Alisha A. Harris
Student Development Specialist
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
FM 208
Keith R. Harris
Associate Director - STEM Career and Outreach Services
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Sarah J. Haughenbury
Director of Student Services
Simon Hawkins, Ph.D.
Donaghey Scholars Program Director, Middle Eastern Studies Coordinator, and Associate Professor of Anthropology
Katherine E. Helms, Ed.D.
Associate Professor
Maegan D. Hendricks
Administrative Analyst
Construction Management and Civil and Construction Engineering
Wes Henry
Student Development Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Matt Hester
Instructor and Director of the Mathematics Assistance Center
Jeleesa Hickman
Student Development Specialist and Coordinator
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Jami J. Hollingsworth
Senior Instructor, Interpreter Education
Nathan Holloway
Curriculum Coordinator & Special Projects Coordinator
Tiffany M. Holloway, Ed.S.
Director of Child Care Connections
Linda Holzer, D.Mus.
Professor of Music, Coordinator of Piano Studies
Riley Hope
Education Specialist
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Roger Horn
Assistant Professor, Media Production & Design
Brandon A. Horvath
Capital Access Specialist
Billy R. Huggins
TRIO Associate Director
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Andrew L. Hunt, Ph.D.
EDUC Minor & Graduate Program Coordinator; and Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction
Kamran Iqbal, Ph.D.
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Howard D. Jackson
Project Director
TRIO Higher Education Access Programs - Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center
Raphael A. James
Senior Instructor, Interpreter Education
David Johnson
DKSN 515
David2 C. Johnson
Administrative Assistant III
Michael Deshay Johnson
Director of Development and External Relations
Danielle Marie Jones
Administrative Specialist III
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology - Mechanical Engineering Technology
Tansel Karabacak, Ph.D.
Interim Director and Professor of Physics
SH 603
Eric R. Kaufmann, Ph.D.
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Darla B. Kelsay, Certified Prevention Consultant
Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator